Dietz Rehab Sango XXL Bariatric Powered Electric Wheelchair

£10,399.00 excl. VAT

Sango XXL Bariatric Powered Electric Wheelchair

Please contact us to arrange assessment.

Obesity is a relatively common phenomenon among wheelchair users and, of course, this is hardly surprising. As wheelchair users get little exercise, gaining weight is always a risk. Some wheelchair users also first become reliant on a wheelchair due to their excess weight and the associated strain on muscles and joints.

DIETZ Power has therefore developed a powered wheelchair with front-wheel drive, specially for people weighing up to 250 kg. This very sturdily constructed and extremely reliable SANGO xxl wheelchair combines excellent driving characteristics with optimum manoeuvrability.



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  • Available as FWD
  • User weight up to 250 kg
  • 78 Ah or 100 Ah batteries
  • Several powered adjustments possible

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Usability” tab_id=”1607025449913-b5362cba-2173″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]

Sango XXL Bariatric Powered Electric Wheelchair Usability

This powered wheelchair with front-wheel drive is very strongly built and offers reliability. It combines excellent driving characteristics with optimum manoeuvrability and great performance outdoors.
In addition to all of this, users of the SANGO xxl can opt for powered adjustments (such as a back adjustment, tilt adjustment, seat lift and the “Catapult” seat) up to the maximum user weight – something that other models on the market do not offer.

The SANGO xxl features a specially designed wide frame, sturdier driving motors, heavy-duty suspension, reinforced wheels, and the option of 100 Ah battery capacity. The SANGO xxl offers people weighing up to 250 kg renewed mobility.

DIETZ Power has opted to fit these wheelchairs for heavier users with front-wheel drive. This works best in practice, as the centre of gravity is often further forwards. To make getting up easier, the SANGO xxl can be fitted with an optional ‘Catapult’ mechanism to support the user.

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Sango XXL Bariatric Powered Electric Wheelchair Options

There are numerous of options for the SANGO include a selection of colours, wheel types, powered adjustments, seat and backrest cushions, legrests, armrests, headrests, trays and accessories. Depending on the frame or seat type certain options are possible. An overview of the possiblities can be found below.

Drive base

SANGO advanced x x x
SANGO slimline x
SANGO xxl x


Maximum speed

6 km/h 10 km/h 12,5 km/h
SANGO advanced x x x
SANGO slimline x x x*
SANGO xxl x

*only RWD

Seating system

SEGO comfort SEGO xxl SEGO junior
SANGO advanced x x
SANGO slimline x x
SANGO xxl x


VR2 R-net
SANGO advanced x x
SANGO slimline x x
SANGO xxl x

Powered adjustments

Backrest recline

Backrest 30° Backrest 45°
SEGO comfort x x
SEGO junior x x
SEGO xxl x x

Seat tilt

Tilt 25° Tilt 45° Tilt 52°
SEGO comfort x x
SEGO junior x x
SEGO xxl x

Seat lift

Lift 20 cm Lift 30 cm
SEGO comfort x
SEGO junior x
SEGO xxl x

Other powered adjustments

Legrests Catapult 25° Bio mechanical backrest
SEGO comfort x x x
SEGO junior x
SEGO xxl x x

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Drive types

Front wheel drive
Centre mount legrest
Total length A 90 cm
Total length B 108 cm

Wheelbase C 57 cm





Maximum user weight
250 kg

Maximum speed
6 km/h



Wheel sizes
Drive wheels
A 14″

Castor wheels
B 9″


Total width
Drive wheels 14″ outside
Min. 69,5 cm
Max. depending on configuration

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Seat height
Drive wheels 14″ without seat cushion
45, 47, 49 and 51 cm


Total height
Drive wheels 14″ without headrest
min. 115 cm
max. depending on configuration



Seat / back width
60 and 64 cm


Seat depth
Adjustable from 48 to 56 cm



Backrest height
Without headrest and seat cushion
50 and 57 cm


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