DEZZIV Brake & Go


DEZZIV Brake & Go active wheelchair brake!

We love this product! How often do you find a product that has the chance to revolutionise someone’s life or a complete set of people? Not often. The Dezziv Brake & Go is the iPhone of the wheelchair world in our opinion – simple concept met with ingenious engineering from a family that needed to address a problem and bingo, the Dezziv was born!

The Dezziv Brake & Go seamlessly frees the wheelchair user from dependence on the help of others, stops rolling back and allows total control

Enable wheelchair users to move beyond the daily obstacles like slopes, stairs, hills, and so enabling greater independence and control of the wheelchair.

The Dezziv Brake & Go is a result of our own experience in wheelchair use and desire to remain as independent as possible while welcoming help and assistance, we feel we prefer to want that assistance rather than depend on it or desperately need it.

This empowers us and allows us to get on with our life the same way that non wheelchair users may be able to.

We developed this unique solution for ourselves and now want to offer it to you. We make it, we designed it and our family produces it totally in house.




DEZZIV Brake & Go active wheelchair brake

We love this product! How often do you find a product that has the chance to revolutionise someone’s life or a complete set of people? Not often. The Dezziv Brake & Go is the iPhone of the wheelchair world in our opinion – simple concept met with ingenious engineering from a family that needed to address a problem and bingo, the Dezziv was born!

The Dezziv Brake & Go seamlessly frees the wheelchair user from dependence on the help of others, stops rolling back and allows total control

Enable wheelchair users to move beyond the daily obstacles like slopes, stairs, hills, and so enabling greater independence and control of the wheelchair.

The Dezziv Brake & Go is a result of our own experience in wheelchair use and desire to remain as independent as possible while welcoming help and assistance, we feel we prefer to want that assistance rather than depend on it or desperately need it.

This empowers us and allows us to get on with our life the same way that non wheelchair users may be able to.

We developed this unique solution for ourselves and now want to offer it to you. We make it, we designed it and our family produces it totally in house.

Check it out here>>>> Dezziv on Wheelchair

Active wheelchair brake

The brake function is completely mechanical and easy.

For daily normal use

For regular daily use in dry conditions. Not recommended to use on wet surfaces. For this we developed our advanced TOP model. Check it >>

Perfect for climbing on slope, ramps or stairs

The Brake&Go active brake enables a wheelchair user to easily move on slope or even stairs.

Independent use or with an assistant

They can be used while pushed by your assistant and/or by pushing yourself around independently.

Automatic functions

Automatically brakes the wheelchair and prevents it from unwanted moving.

Replaces the standard brake

You can easily replace the standard brake on your wheelchair with our brake. The installation is easy. Check installation video >>

Quality materials – aluminum and inox

The main elements of the brake are made of Aluminum and Inox. The brake lining is made of Aluminum, thus guaranteeing the long life of the brake wheel.

2 brakes for each wheel

The DEZZIV brake set contains two complete brakes (right + left), 2 pieces of a 22.5 mm clamp, 2 pieces of a 25.4 mm clamp and installation & maintenance instructions. There is an option to purchase a 30 mm clamp separately

Patented innovation

The Dezziv brake has been recognised as pattented innnovation.

Custom brake

Yes, it is possible to get our brake adapted to your wheelchair or ways of use.


Dezziv Brake & Go Active Wheelchair Brake

Our story is Nejc’s story

“It was September 2014, when it happened. I still feel a strange feeling in my stomach, just as when I was sliding down the roof of the building and when I knew I will fall. Then it went dark for a moment and I woke up in a new life. First, a lot of people, an ambulance, a helicopter and UKC Ljubljana. I did not feel pain, but unfortunately I did not feel the legs. On the same day the surgery and awakening again into a new life, into a cruel reality, a diagnosis: a vertebral fracture and a broken spinal cord. Only then did I slowly start to realize what this might mean to me and to my closest… the wheelchair, and to my room 35 steps, the real pain for me and for my closest.”

Nejc Stakne

Based on Nejc’s experience, the Stakne family started to develop a solution for independent movement. After a few years of development and testing, we managed to create a climbing helper. We wanted to enable the same posibility also for others, therefore we created a company DEZZIV.

Dezziv Brake & Go Active Wheelchair Brake

Njec creating Dezziv Brake & Go wheelchair brakes in the Dezziv workshops in Slovakia. It must have been summer 😉

If you use a wheelchair, then DEZZIV Wheelchair Brake & Go Climbing Helper greatly facilitates life for you and your loved ones, or enables what was not possible before – active moving on stairs, slopes, etc. You can even climb stairs independently.

The Brake & Go Climbing Helper will give you back your individuality!



Additional Information

Brake & Go Wheelchair Brakes

DEZZIV Wheelchair Brake CLASSIC (pair)


DEZZIV Wheelchair Brake PU (pair)


DEZZIV Wheelchair Brake TOP (pair)